The General Insurance Code of Practice represents the industry’s commitment to providing insurance to the community in an honest, efficient, fair and transparent way.
It’s all about providing higher standards of customer service by making policy documents more user friendly and improving claims and complaints handling.
Nowadays, more than 90 percent of the industry’s general insurance providers are signatories.
Put simply, the Code aims to:
- improve customer service standards across the industry
- promote good relations between insurers, agents and consumers
- reduce the number of disputes
- provide for a non-litigious low cost mechanism for consumer redress
Who is this training for?
This course helps employees understand their obligations in the following key areas: selling insurance; handling claims (including those involving financial hardship, catastrophes and disasters); and handling complaints and disputes.
Course outline
Module 1: |
Selling insurance |
Module 2: |
Handling claims |
Module 3: |
Financial hardship, catastrophes and disasters |
Module 4: |
Complaints handling procedures |