Resources Available - Modern Slavery Webinar - Indicators of modern slavery in financial transactions - GRC Solutions Resources Available - Modern Slavery Webinar - Indicators of modern slavery in financial transactions - GRC Solutions

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Resources Available – Modern Slavery Webinar – Indicators of modern slavery in financial transactions

February 10, 2021

Resources Available – Modern slavery is a risk for financial services businesses in Australia – in this free webinar, Kimberly Randle of Fair Supply looked at the financial typology of modern slavery

Modern Slavery generates over $150B in profit and is a financial crime that is increasingly globally regulated. Financial transactions funding modern slavery are often overlooked and only beginning to gain momentum within financial crimes divisions of banks and institutional investors.

Kimberly Randle of Fair Supply will be familiar to our clients as the presenter of a number of well-received webinars and workshops in the past. In this webinar, she addressed the indicators of where money flows occur in modern slavery related activities and the typologies of those financial transactions.

This webinar also discussed some of the inherent limitations on profiling transactions associated with modern slavery and the role of technology in identifying transactions associated with this financial crime.

GRC Solutions once again partnered with Fair Supply lawyers to make this occasional webinar available to our clients.


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Resources Available

Fair Supply has released a report on the Financial Indicators of modern slavery. This report is especially relevant to private financial institutions.

You can download the report from Fair Supply’s page


Fair Supply has made a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the Customs Amendment (Banning Goods Produced By Uyghur Forced Labour) Bill 2020. If passed, the proposed amendment to the Customs Act may have a significant impact on the importation of goods and services in your organisation’s supply chain.

Both the proposed amendment to the Customs Act and indicators of modern slavery in financial transactions should be considered during the current reporting period as you organisations prepare to lodge their Modern Slavery Statement. You can access a copy of the submission here


The recording of the webinar and the slides are also available to view and download



About the presenter

Kimberly Randle

Kimberly Randle, Fair Supply’s Executive Director and Principal Lawyer is an experienced and innovative human rights advocate and lawyer specialising in modern slavery. Kimberly played an instrumental role in both the formation of, and advocacy for, the passage of the NSW Modern Slavery Act and Commonwealth Modern Slavery Acts. Prior to co-founding Fair Supply, Kimberly held the role as Senior Director of Corporate and Legal for International Justice Mission Australia and worked at top tier law firms in both Australia and the United States. Kimberly appeared as an expert witness at both the NSW Legislative Committee Inquiry into Modern Slavery and the Commonwealth Joint Law Enforcement Committee Inquiry into Modern Slavery. Following the Parliamentary Inquires, Kimberly acted as a key liaison to the Australian Senate and NSW Legislative Committee in drafting of necessary provisions to combat the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children. In2017 Kimberly was a finalist in the Women in Law Awards for Not For Profit Lawyer of the Year.

GRC Solutions Modern Slavery Resources

Modern Slavery Training (Australia)

A three module course covering an introduction to modern slavery, techniques for keeping it out of your supply chains, and complying with the Australian law Details here

Modern Slavery (Non Jurisdictional)

Two modules on identifying and preventing modern slavery Details here

Facilitated Learning for directors and officers Contact us to enquire

Consulting on your compliance systems Details here


February 10, 2021
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